International Conference on 19th Feb 2022
Invitation for Collaboration with Rizvi
IBM & SPSS Workshop on 3rd and 9th Dec. 2021
Collaboration with K. C. College
SPSS Workshop Report
Workshop on Research Methodology on 9th and 10th Feb. 2022
Workshop Schedule
Invitation for Collaboration
MoU with Hinduja College
Report of Two Day Online National Level Workshop on Research Methodology
One Day Training Program on "Various Aspects of Documentation" on 26th Feb 2022
Invitation to Resource Person
Geo Tagged Workshop 18-Dec-2021
Attendance Sheet
Online International Conference on ‘Emerging Opportunities and Challenges in Indian Economy’ on 18th October 2020
Under the patronage of Rizvi Education Society, Hon. President Dr. Akhtar Hasan Rizvi and Hon. Director Advocate Mrs. Rubina Akhtar Hasan Rizvi, One Day Online International Conference on ‘Emerging Opportunities and Challenges in Indian Economy: An Interdisciplinary Approach’ concluded on 18th October 2020.
The conference was jointly organised by Rizvi College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Bandra (West) and Department of Law, Parul University, Vadodara, Gujarat.
We had the privilege of the presence of distinguished guests and experts who consented to be a part of the conference. Rizvi College of Arts, Sceince and Commerce is obliged to all the dignitaries. The conference commenced at 9:30 a.m. with a Welcome Address by Principal In Charge and Convener of the Conference Dr. (Mrs.) Anjum Ara Ahmed and Co - Convener Prof.(Dr.) Akil A Syed, Director & Dean, Faculty of Law, Parul University,Vadodara, Gujarat.
Chief Guest Dr. Sachin Vernekar, Dean Faculty of Management Studies Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) Director, BVDU IMED, Incharge, Erandwane Campus, Pune, delivered an Inaugural Address on ‘Make in India’. In his address, he explained the significance of a self-reliant economy by emphasising the concept of ‘Make in India’.
Keynote address was delivered by Prof (Dr.) Kuldeep Kumar, Professor of Statistics; Bond University, Australia, on ‘Impact of Bankruptcy and Fraud on Indian Economy’. His talk gave an insight into the contemporary issue of bankruptcy and fraud in Indian Economy and how it is adversely affecting various sectors and thus is a potential threat for the growth of the economy.
Prof. (Dr.) Basavaraj Benni, Director, PG Centre & Professor of Economics, Dean and Director, Social Sciences,Vijayanagara Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Koppal, Karnataka presented an informative talk on ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat and Startup: Way Forward for Empowerment’. He discussed how the demographic calculations of China and India are determining factors in the world market and how India can take advantage of this calculation through realizing its potentials and becoming self- reliant.
Prof. (Dr.) Dolly Sunny, Professor of Economics, MSEPP, University of Mumbai enriched the knowledge of the participants through her address on ‘Emerging Challenges in the Indian Economy with special references to Post COVID Scenario in Education’. In her address she explained how the students and teachers are facing the challenging issues related to education emerged during COVID 19.
Prof. (Dr.) Ashwini Bhalla, Professor, SCD Govt. College, Ludhiana, President PCMA presented a thoughtful research on ‘India’s Economic Slowdown - Business and Industry Perspective’. In his presentation he explained emerging issue of economic slowdown in Indian Business and Industry. He also talked about the remedial measures for the same.
Prof (Dr.) Mohd Iqbal Ali, Professor of Economics, Kakatiya University, Hyderabad and Former Vice Chancellor, Satavahana University, Andhra Pradesh, enlightened the participants through his impressive talk on ‘Indian Economic Crises during COVID 19 - Strong Structural Changes Required to Overcome’. In his talk he explained about the strong structural changes required in Indian Economy to overcome the pandemic of COVID - 19.
Dr. B. T. Lawani, Research Centre (Affiliated to Pune University), Janaseva Foundation, Pune, delivered a insightful research on‘CSR: A New Avenue for generating Employment’. He gave an analytical presentation on CSR and how it could be utilised to generate employment opportunities in current scenario.
Dr. Sabir Ali Siddique, Senior Faculty in the Department of Statistics, Dhofar University, Oman, delivered a talk on ‘Basics Statistics in Research. He explained the analytical and applied use of Statistics in various areas of research.
Prof. (Dr.) Debabrata Mitra, Professor & Head, Departmentt. of Commerce, University of North Bengal, West Bengal expressed his thoughts on ‘COVID 19 : A Journey towards New Normal’. He enlightened the participants about the opportunities and challenges of COVID 19 A New Normal.
Valedictory address was delivered by International Keynote Speaker, Dr. Khaleequzzaman Khan, Faculty Member, American University in Dubai, UAE. He enriched the understanding and knowledge of participants about UAE’s Economy through his presentation on ‘UAE - India: Economy and Growth Post COVID 19’.
The Inaugural and Valedictory Sessions were conducted on ZOOM Online Platform along with live broadcast on You Tube.
Paper Presentation by the Participants commencement at 12.30 p.m. Major themes of this conference were Infrastructure and Development, Growth: Importance and Performance, Comparative Growth and Related Issues, Revitalisation of Manufacturing Sector, Financial Inclusion, Make in India Initiative, Demographic Dividend and Skilling, New Education Policy, Role of Mass Media and Politics, Intellectual Property Rights and COVID 19: A New Normal.
These themes were divided into Nine Tracks for the presentation viz. Economics Main, Economics Parallel, Commerce and Finance, Management and Mass Media, Law, Education, Statistics and Demography, Science and Technology and Social Science.
Track 1- Economics Main was conducted on ZOOM Platform and it was live on You Tube. It is chaired by Prof.(Dr.) Shakeel Ahmed, Director, Poona Institute of Management Sciences and Entrepreneurship, Pune. The track had 11 paper presentations. The remaining tracks’ presentations were conducted on Google Meet Platform.
Track 2- Economics Parallel was chaired by Dr.Deepak P. Sable, Associate Professor & Head of Economics, VPM’s Joshi-Bedekar College, Thane where we had 08 paper presentations.
Track 3- Commerce and Finance was chaired by Dr. Mohammad Khalil Ahmad, Principal, A E Kaleskar College of Commerce and Management, Nallasopara, Mumbai, where we had 11 paper presentations.
Track 4- Management and Mass Media was chaired by Dr. Hanif Lakdawala, Director, Professional Courses, AP College, Mumbai where we had 16 paper presentations.
Track 5- Law was chaired by Advocate .Mobin Sayed, Senior Lawyer, MV Kini Co, Mumbai where we had 10 paper presentations
Track 6- Education was chaired by Dr.(Mrs.) Masarrat Saheb Ali, Vice Principal & Associate Professor, Govt. of Maharashtra’s Secondary Training College (B.Ed), Mumbai where we had 12 paper presentations.
Track 7- Statistics and Demography was chaired by Dr. Asha Jindal, Associate Professor and Head of Statistics Department, K.C College, Mumbai where we had 12 paper presentations.
Track 8- Science and Technology was chaired by Prof.(Dr.) Atul Gosai, Professor of Department of Computer Science, Saurashtra, University, Rajkot where we had 11 paper presentations.
Track 9- Social Science was chaired by Dr.B.T Lawani, Research Centre (Affiliated to Pune University), Janaseva Foundation, Pune where we had 8 paper presentations.
The participants benefitted from the interactions and knowledge of the experts. The various panel discussions added value to knowledge creation through the conference. Indian economy, agriculture, the Indian banking system, Financial Inclusion, New Education Policy and Impact of COVID 19 were thoroughly discussed in this conference.
This conference served as a platform for economists, academicians, research scholars, corporates and students from across the different faculties to discuss the emerging opportunities and challenges in Indian economy and their impact on the welfare of common people. 250 participants, experts and delegates actively participated in the conference from across the 23 states of India and the several countries of the globe like UAE, Dhofar, Australia and Jawa Barat. Total 99 Presentations were successfully held. 66 Papers of the conference were published in the International Journal of Research.
A valedictory session was organised at 3.30 pm in the evening. Best Research Papers were selected for all tracks under two categories i.e. Academician/Professional Corporate and Student. The conference concluded at 6.30 p.m. through a Vote of Thanks.
The analysis of feedback received from the participants and the number of presentations depict the success of the conference.
Thank You!!!
The department of IQAC has organised a Faculty development programme (FDP) on "Use of various technology tools and technology for handling new curriculum" addressed by Mr Mandar Bhanushe, Assitant Professor cum Assitant Director, IDOL, University of Mumbai on 2nd July 2016 in Seminar room. About 30 faculties attended the program.
The department of IQAC has organised a Faculty development programme (FDP) on "Use of Online Resources for teaching learning development and use" addressed by Mr Santosh C Hulagabali, Librarian, Nagindas Khandwala College, Mumbai on 14th July 2016 in Seminar room. About 30 faculties attended the program.
The department of IQAC has organised a two day Faculty development programme (FDP) on " Internal Auditors Training Program" addressed by Mr Madhav Dewoolkaris, Senior Quality Auditor registered with UK based IRCA for ISO and TQM, GMP, HACCP, PPE, BRC and EMS & Mrs. Aparna Thakkar an expert from the field of Environment, Laboratory and Quality Assessment related services on 9th and 23rd July 2016 in Seminar room. 27 teaching and non teaching staff attended the internal auditors training program and about 15 staff successfully passed the internal auditors training program and are now certified auditors as per ISO 9001:2008 standard.
The department of IQAC has organised an orientation programme on " Recent Changes in NAAC " addressed by Mr. Waheedul Hasan, Publishing Department NAAC, Bangalore on 13th October 2016 at 11.30 am in Seminar room.
Dr (Mrs) Anjum Ara Ahmad,
Vice-Principal, Coordinator IQAC
The IQAC cell of Rizvi College of Arts, Science & Commerce is a very active cell. The main purpose of the cell is to assure quality in higher education. In order to achieve its purpose the cell keeps on organising many activities through the year. Some of the major initiatives take by IQAC in the year 2013-16 are as follows:-
1. Talk by an Expert:- Organised talk by an expert Dr. Sarode to brief how to send proposal for Major & Minor Research as well as how to write research papers.
2. International Research Journal of the College:- In an endeavour to promote research a peer reviewed bi-annual research journal "International Journal of Research" was started in 2011 by the college by including eminent researchers and academicians on the editorial board. Several members of our teaching staff and throughout the nation and abroad have been contributing regularly to this journal of repute. The journal has completed five years. The abstract of the papers has been uploaded on the Google scholar.
3. State level Seminar:- A State level Seminar on "Quality Enhancement in Higher Education through NAAC Accreditation" on 14th August 2014
4. State Level Workshop for Non-teaching Staff:- A State level Workshop on Maintenance and Repairing of laboratory equipments for the Laboratory Assistants & Laboratory Attendants from 2nd to 7th February 2015 in collaboration with Western Regional Instrumentation Centre (WRIC), Mumbai was organised by NSS, IQAC and Dept of Sciences.
5. Computer literacy training for teachers:- A five day workshop for Computer learning was organised by the IQAC in coordination with the CS & IT Department for all the teachers of the degree college from 9th to 13th February 2015.
6. Workshop on Research:- A workshop was organised on “Techniques for writing research papers, articles and Ph.D. Proposal” on 11th December 2015.
7. Academic Audit:- The year started with the visit of the Academic Audit team from University of Mumbai on 18th June 2015. A team consisting of one former Vice Chancellor Dr Vijay Padharipande, Mumbai Univ IQAC Director Dr Madhukar and one Principal Dr B S Birajdar. The team went through the presentations of all Departments and a few committees. The committee submitted its report which highlighted some good comments and a few recommendations to fulfil.
8. API Workshop:- A one day workshop on API for College Teachers was organized by the University of Mumbai in Association with Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Rizvi College of A/S/C, DTSS College of Commerce, J M Patel College of Commerce and Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics. This workshop was organized in Rizvi College of Arts, Science & Commerce on 29th August 2015 with IQAC of Rizvi College taking the leading role. The workshop got an overwhelming response despite of being a holiday in most colleges due to Raksha Bandan. Teachers from all over the State from as far as Ratnagiri attended the workshop. More than one hundred and twenty five teachers and IQAC coordinators attended the workshop which included seventeen teachers from our college.
9. ISO 9001: 2008 certification:- The College was also ISO 9001:2008 certified this year. The internal audit was on 10th December 2015 and the external audit was conducted on 14th December 2015 and finally in the exit meeting on the same day the external auditor gave the final Nod for the certification of the college. Dr (Mrs) Anjum Ara Ahmad the Vice-Principal of the College was appointed the Management Representative for the same.
10. Training to Office Staff:- A ten day training programme sponsored by IQAC was organised for Non- teaching staff for Accounting Package Tally and Excel from 15th October to 30th October 2015 in our Computer Lab. At the end of the course the staffs had to give exam and were given certificates for the same. Students were also trained at a nominal fee. The training was given by Font Computers. This program was conducted in coordination with the Dept of Commerce and Dept of Computer Sceince.
11. E-Learning:- Training for Students mainly from Commerce faculty was organised on 19th November 2015 on E-learning Programme for all subjects, CPT and other Competitive exam. This training programme was conducted in coordination with Goyal Academy (Gold).
12. PAN Card:- To create awareness towards paying proper taxes to the government and make students and staff abide by it. Arrangements to issue PAN Cards at Special PAN Camp were made between 10th February 2015 and 12th February 2015 in coordination with Infrastructure Technology and Services ( a Govt. Of India Company) at a very nominal rate. Sixty two applications were collected during this period.
13. Seminar on NAAC Accreditation:- To train Teaching and Non-teaching staff a Seminar was organised in the college on 01st July 2015entitled “Quality Improvement through for NAAC Accreditation” in the Seminar Room where 105 teaching and non teaching staff attended the same. Dr Dharmadhikari N.S., Former Principal, a member of NAAC (Bangalore) Peer team from Pune was the resource person.
14. Workshop on Quality Enhancement:- A one day workshop was organised on 14th July 2015 for teaching staff entitled “Accreditation Process and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education”. Dr Vijay M Pandharipandey, a Former VC of Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad was the resource person
15. Workshop on Examination Rules:- A workshop was jointly organised by JM Patel College and Rizvi College of Arts, Science and Commerce on “SIMPLIFYING EXAMINATION RULES” on 10th October, 2015 at JM Patel College, Goregaon. Academic Year 2014-15 faced significant modifications in the Examination System employed by the University of Mumbai. Some of the changes are introduction of CBSGS System in 2013-14, scaling down of internal marks, changes in ATKT system etc. 76 took part in the workshop coming from various Colleges affiliated to University of Mumbai. Panel consisted of Shri. Sunil B. Mantri, Dr. M. Z. Farooqui, Dr. Debajit N. Sarkar and Shri. Madhav Rao. Shri. Sunil B. Mantri concentrated on objective of the introduction of CBSGS system. This system introduced 7 point grades, but failed to differentiate the grade between students who scored 70% and 90%. To be more precise, both students scoring 70% and 90% get ‘O’ Grade was highlighted. Dr. M. Z. Farooqui focused on CGPA calculation and its disadvantages. Shri. Madhav Rao focused on changes that could be beneficial for learners.
16. Workshop for IQAC Members:- A workshop on “ Enriching SSR” was jointly organised by Smt. Kapila Khandvala College of Education, L S Raheja College of Arts and Commerce, Rizvi College of Arts, Science & Commerce, J M Patel College of Commerce in Smt. Kapila Khandvala College of Education on 2nd April 2016. The resource person was Dr Shirish Chindhade, Former Principal and a Trained Assessor of NAAC Peer Team. About thirty faculties attended the said workshop which included eight of our IQAC Members.
17. Study Centre of Jamia Milia Islamia:- A tie-up was activated with prestigious institute Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi, a Central University for being the study centre of Distance Mode programme for MA(except Education & HRM), MCom, BA, BBA, BCom, BCom(IBF), CCHNI, CCIT.
18. Tie-up with MIT, New Zealand:- Founded in 1970, Manukau Institute of Technology(MIT) is one of New Zealand’s largest and most prestigious government Institutes of Technology with 16,000 students enrolled per annum and over 1,000 international students studying business, information technology, engineering, maritime and culinary programs. Estero New Zealand Limited played an instrumental role in identifying the opportunity and getting two highly reputed institutions from India (Rizvi College of Arts Science and Commerce) and New Zealand (Manukau Institute of Technology) to join hands and provide students the opportunity to study through a collaborative learning environment. The collaboration between the two institutions makes international education more accessible and affordable for the students.
The MoU was signed by Secretary Rizvi Education Society, Mr. Abis Rizvi (Extreme left in Photograph), Dean of Management Studies MIT, New Zealand Dr John (Extreme right in Photograph) and Mr Kshitij Garg ( In centre) of ESTERO, New Zealand on February 14, 2016.
This collaboration also becomes the first such initiative for the state of Maharashtra. The two institutions from India and New Zealand signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the 23rd February 2016. This agreement will allow Indian sub-continent students to begin their degree studies in India and conclude it in New Zealand. It will give students a unique opportunity to internationalize their degree and add to the global work-force. They will be prepared well in terms of understanding New Zealand culture, New Zealand Study Methodologies, what to expect from the country etc. Apart from this they save on approx. 40% on their study cost and living cost if they had to do the complete 3-year degree from New Zealand. Not to forget, the student gains an international degree recognised around the world, alongside gaining work experience during their final semester in New Zealand. After getting a degree, students will get work permit for one and half year. Once they complete work service he will get Permanent Residence (PR) which will add wings to their careers.
Five Course are introduced for the students, they are
19. Collaboration with IIAI:- Rizvi College of Arts, Science & Commerce has collaborated with Institute of ISO Auditing & Implementation (IIAI) for Business Courses in the Field of ISO for all students of Commerce/ Arts/ Science Stream & Other Streams. The purpose of the course is that the students can become a business entrepreneur or get a job in any industry at management level. Courses offered by IIAI are Diploma & Post Graduation Diploma Courses in
20. Environmental awareness:- With a view to improve the environment, compost pit has been constructed which takes care of garbage disposal of the college.
21. Faculty Development Programs (FDPs) to enhance better teaching and learning:- In order to introduce the new techniques used in teaching and learning a FDP on "Use of various technology tools and technology for handling new curriculum" was organised by IQAC on 2nd July which was attended by thirty teachers. To introduce the various online resources another FDP was organised by IQAC on "Online Resources for teaching learning development and its use" on 14th July 2016 in the Seminar Room. This training was well attended by teachers as well as students.
22. Internal Auditors Training Program:- To check at regularly intervals that our quality management systems are in place, the IQAC conducted a two day “Internal Auditors Training Program”. Mr Madhav Dewoolkaris a very Senior Quality Auditor registered with UK based IRCA for ISO and TQM, GMP, HACCP, PPE, BRC and EMS. & Mrs Aparna Thakkar an expert from the field of Environment, Laboratory and Quality Assessment related services were the resource persons. Twenty seven teaching and non teaching staff attended this program. Sixteen staff successfully qualified this training program and now are certified auditors. We can now organise internal ISO audit at regular intervals with help of these certified auditors.
23. Gender Audit:- Gender Audit was conducted to identify challenges to integrate gender in the mission of societal development and provide opportunities for girl students to enhance their future. This study has helped us to identify and understand aspects hindering the overall betterment of girls and our College strives to provide an environment to help each of our students become achievers and global citizens.
24. Remedial Lectures & Bridge Courses:- Remedial Lectures are arranged for the slow learners. IQAC also motivates teachers to conduct Bridge Courses for the first year students.
The above mentioned achievements would have been possible without the motivation and keen interest of Chairperson of IQAC and Principal Dr M Z Farooqui. We are also thankful to the Management for the support given by them in organising these programs.
Dr ( Mrs.) Anjum Ara Ahmad
Coordinator IQAC
One day State Level Seminar on “Quality Enhancement in Higher Education through NAAC Accreditation Process” was organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) on 14th August 2014. Dr. M Z Farooqui, Principal, Rizvi College of Arts, Science & Commerce was the Chairperson and Dr. (Mrs.) Anjum Ara Ahmad, Vice-Principal was the Convenor of the Seminar.
Principal Dr M Z Farooqui welcomed the guest and gave the welcome speech. Dr (Mrs) Anjum Ara Ahmad, the Coordinator and Vice- Principal briefed the audience about the various activities of IQAC in Rizvi College. Dr M A Khan the Registrar of University of Mumbai, was supposed to give the Keynote Address but could not make it due to some sudden preoccupations at the University. Dr Sarkar, the Principal of J M Patel College gave the keynote address. He spoke on “Quality Enhancement in Higher Education through NAAC Accreditation Process”. He pointed out the Role of NAAC in Higher Education and spoke on the Five Main Objectives of NAAC.
The First Technical Session was taken by Dr. M R Krupe, Former Principal of Vaze College of Arts, Science & Commerce and Pioneer in NAAC Accreditation. A Detailed discussion on the Key Aspects and their weightages as per the New Manual given by NAAC was presented by him. He explained all the Key Aspects of the Seven Criterions and suggested how the IQAC should handle them. His speech was very specific, to the point and very informative. He gave the assurance to the college that they can take his guidance as and when require.
The Second Technical Session was handled by Dr Shobana Vasudevan, Principal, R A Podar College of Commerce & Economics. Her talk was based on “Importance of Self Study Report (SSR) submitted by the College in NAAC Accreditation”. She gave an extempore talk on importance of the report. She highlighted the precautions to be taken while preparing the SSR report. She also explained in detail how one should go about while making the report.
We got an overwhelming for the Seminar. More than eighty participants from all over the State attended the Seminar. The participants included mainly Vice- Principals and IQAC Coordinators. Principals of Five Colleges were also present in the audience. All participants were given Printed Notes and Handouts of the workshop.
Dr (Mrs) Anjum Ara Ahmad
Convenor & Vice- Principal
A one day workshop on API for College Teachers was organized by the University of Mumbai in Association with Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Rizvi College of A/S/C, DTSS College of Commerce, J M Patel College of Commerce and Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics. This workshop was organized in Rizvi College of Arts, Science & Commerce on 29th August 2015 with IQAC of Rizvi College taking the leading role.
The workshop got an overwhelming response despite of being a holiday in most colleges due to Raksha Bandan. Teachers from all over the State from as far as Ratnagiri attended the workshop. More than one hundred and twenty five teachers and IQAC coordinators attended the workshop.
The program started with the welcome speech of Dr M Z Farooqui, Principal of Rizvi College of Arts, Science & Commerce. The objective of the program was given by Dr Kurhade, DTSS College of Commerce. The pre- lunch session was divided into two parts (i) A CAS presentation and (ii) guidelines for preparation of documents. The CAS presentation was given Shri. S B Mantri, Principal, Narsee Monjee College Commerce & Economics, who was also the Convenor of the Committee formed to draft the guidelines for CAS. The CAS presentation covered in details all the three categories of the API-PBAS form. The guidelines for preparation of documents for CAS were given by Mrs Yogini Ghare, Deputy Registrar and Dr. D.N.Sarkar, Principal, J M Patel College Commerce also was a Member of the Committee formed to draft the Guidelines for CAS. They explained how the papers should be prepared by the teachers and submitted for promotions under CAS.
The post lunch session was a question-answer session. The Joint Director Nominee, Dr Jagtap also joined the panel in this session. The panel consisted of the Principals of the four colleges, the deputy registrar and the JD nominee. More than sixty questions were taken in this session from the participating teachers. The Vote of thanks was given by Dr ( Mrs) Anjum Ara Ahmad, IQAC Coordenator of Rizvi College. All the participating professors were given formats and the procedures for filling the API- PBAS .The same and many other details given by the resource persons were emailed to them.
Dr Anjum Ara Ahmad
Vice-Principal & IQAC Coordinator